On which exchange is PUBLX traded?
PUBLX is traded on Uniswap, an Automated Decentralized Exchange which enables anyone to buy and sell PUBLX tokens.
To learn more about Uniswap click here
How to exchange PUBLX?
For video demonstration and instruction you can also refer here
1. Open Uniswap: Go to Uniswap's website (https://app.uniswap.org/) and click Swap on the top left corner. Alternatively, to go directly to the PUBLX/ETH pair you can click here
2. Connect wallet: You will now need to connect the wallet in which you have the tokens you want to swap by clicking on "Connect Wallet". Please notice that Uniswap doesn't support all wallets, if you don't have one of the wallets listed you will need to download it and transfer to it the tokens you want to buy/sell.
3. Choose tokens and amounts: Once you have connected the wallet you will now need to choose the tokens you want to swap and choose the amounts you want to buy/sell.
In order to choose to trade PUBLX you will need to paste the PUBLX token address 0x1a6658f40e51b372e593b7d2144c1402d5cf33e8 in the "To" or "From". You can also choose to swap with any other token that is listed on Uniswap.
4. Approve tokens: If this is your first time selling a specific token (not ETH), then Uniswap will first ask you to approve Uniswap to swap that token from your wallet. After clicking approve you will need to sign it on your wallet. Notice that the approve process initiates a transaction on Ethereum and will charge you fees to do it as it is processed on the Ethereum blockchain.
5. Swap tokens: Once you have approved the tokens on the same screen you will need to press Swap and then Confirm Swap, then sign it on your wallet to have it executed on Ethereum, this will also cost you fees associated from the Ethereum Blockchain.
6. Finish: Wait for the transaction to be processed and celebrate your new tokens in your wallet!
How do I view the tokens in you wallet?
After you have received your PUBLX tokens in your wallet you will be able to view the tokens by adding the token information. On Metamask, click Add Token, then Custom Token and then paste PUBLX token address:
PUBLX token address: 0x1a6658f40e51b372e593b7d2144c1402d5cf33e8
Decimals: 18
Symbol: PUBLX
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