Our product uses AI-based systems and Large Language Models to generate answers for your queries. While we strive to provide accurate and comprehensive information, we cannot guarantee the accuracy or completeness of the answers generated by the AI models. Our product is provided "as is" and we do not accept any responsibility for any errors, omissions, or inaccuracies in the answers provided.
The AI models used by PUBLC are trained on vast amounts of data and may reflect biases that exist in that data. This can lead to the generation of responses that are biased in terms of gender, race, religion, or other factors. While efforts are made to mitigate these biases, they are not entirely eliminated, and none shall reflect as opinions made by PUBLC.
Due to the nature of AI models, there may be situations that the AI model will answer incorrectly that does not accurately reflect real people, places, or facts. By using our product, you acknowledge that there may be limitations to the accuracy and comprehensiveness of the information provided and that we do not accept any liability for any actions taken based on the information provided by our product. Results may vary depending on a variety of factors, and we cannot guarantee that our product will meet the needs or expectations of all users.
Please note that the information provided by the AI model is for informational purposes only and should not be construed as professional advice for medical, financial and other purposes. We encourage you to seek advice from qualified professionals for specific questions or concerns and evaluate the accuracy of any answer as appropriate for your use case.
Our product is protected by intellectual property laws, and any copying, distribution, or modification of any part of our product or the answers generated by the AI model is strictly prohibited.
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